and Testsailing a moth - please also Register for Testsail (sailnumber = testsail) Click to enlarge

Doug and I are organising the first Austrian Moth Training.The target of the 3 day weekend is to have fun weekend on LakeNeuziedl learning about Moths and to get as many people involvedas possible. There will be boats available to test sail (wind permitting).Short training races fun competitions parties and small Regatta onthe last day. Training will consist of short racing where the leading boats haveto do extra tacks and gybes and the last boats can take a short cut.The aim is to keep the boats together and increase the fun aspect. Weiden is a great place to sail Moths and we have the kind support ofYacht Club Weiden with rescue and start boats. Accommodation at thelake can be arranged we will have parties in the evening. If the windis really strong the Weiden is a great place for wind surfing so bringyour gear. If the winds are light then we will organise volleyball and other light wind activities.
registration open in some days!
olso a detail program will follow!
Who is coming?