Mein bereits bestelltes Boot kommt Anfang September, wenn jemand noch mitbestellen möchte, möge er sich gerne bei mir melden!
Achtung die MWSt und Zollgebühr ist nicht inkludiert!

Hier der Auszug von der Assassin Webseite: (http://www.assassinmoth.com/136948/html/page.html)
The Assassin SS is a slightly more hardly Boat featuring a dent resistant laminate. It is suitable for a first time hydrofoiling moth sailor, or for those who don't want to worry about dents, but still comes as a very competitive boat with top gear.
Complete Carbon boat in Assassin Grey - with a dent resistant core
Includes Carbon Wing Frames, Carbon Gantry, Carbon Assassin Boom (stiff), Southern Spars skinny High Modulus Mast, Doyle Racing Sail, Assassin/Holroyd High Modulus Hydro foils, Ronstan Deckgear, Carbon Spreaders, Wire Stays, Vectran Back Strop, Alloy Beach Trolley, Full Boat Cover, Padded foil cover two piece bags, padded spreader/gear bag, padded mast/tiller bag, Fibreglass Travel Box.
Also Includes FREIGHT to all major airports worldwide *
and for a limited time a FREE Speedpuck.
*does not include taxes and duties which are payable directly though the customs agent apon pickup/delivery
The Assassin SS is a slightly more hardly Boat featuring a dent resistant laminate. It is suitable for a first time hydrofoiling moth sailor, or for those who don't want to worry about dents, but still comes as a very competitive boat with top gear.
Complete Carbon boat in Assassin Grey - with a dent resistant core
Includes Carbon Wing Frames, Carbon Gantry, Carbon Assassin Boom (stiff), Southern Spars skinny High Modulus Mast, Doyle Racing Sail, Assassin/Holroyd High Modulus Hydro foils, Ronstan Deckgear, Carbon Spreaders, Wire Stays, Vectran Back Strop, Alloy Beach Trolley, Full Boat Cover, Padded foil cover two piece bags, padded spreader/gear bag, padded mast/tiller bag, Fibreglass Travel Box.
Also Includes FREIGHT to all major airports worldwide *
and for a limited time a FREE Speedpuck.
*does not include taxes and duties which are payable directly though the customs agent apon pickup/delivery