The Assassin has many new ideas as rotating must stump, or the cool stuff like watherproove box in the back of the hull ... , which all needs to use more material. The foils are bigger and stronger made as the BR`s so also a reason for more weight!
So concidering all of this the boat weight is very good!
The foils are about (not measured yet) 25cm longer as BR`s and quite a distance thinner! My BR Main-Foil (with one extra layer of clear painting) is about 2kg which is quite a big different! But I think my BR Foil is on of the best BR-Foils ever made! (Rohan wanted to buy it back from my at worlds in waymouth) Now it is not fitting to the Assassin and I will sell it to an interessted BR sailer!The ruder-Foil looks so cool! And I think it is working well, but need to prove in strong wind conditions! I have no compare to others - so here just the weight.
Becouse of weather forecast (fog, rain and no wind) I put my boat on the trailer and made it ready to go somewhere where the weather is nice! I try to get some holydays but at latest I go sailing in a silvester holyday!
Hey.. welcome Nikita!
AntwortenLöschenLooks terribly fine! Schade, dass ichs noch nicht sehen konnte-- hab den Eintrag jetzt erst gesehen und war zudem am Woende arbeiten. Na.. also dann bin ich gespannt, was Du neues erzählst, nach dem ersten Real-live-Test. Märzwoende blockier ich mal;-)
All the best - and njoy,
Our foils fit the BR but not the other way it seems. (we must be slightly skinnier).
AntwortenLöschenwe made the front wing bars heavier, they were cracking when pushed hard in 30 plus knots of wind,(which a certain Yank kept doing ;) now he just breaks masts!) and our gantry is also heavish. A couple of sacrifices we made for reliability at the weight of a litre water bottle!!
how much for the main foil? I need one desperately as mine is not ideal! scratched and already ripped the sikaflex off once so it is weak!
AntwortenLöschenmail me if your itnerested:
AntwortenLöschenFahr zum Mar Menor, ruf Alan Hillman an und Du hast noch jemanden zum trainieren. Ideales Revier. Vermutlich sehen wir uns dort alle im Mai zu einer Regatta!
smooth sailing
_/) _/)
Hallo Manfred, sind 2.360km von Wien - wird sich also nur für ein Wochenende kaum auszahlen - hoffe wir sehen uns alle am Silvaplanasee!