BIG Thanks to Jan Myslík and his club for theire nice hospitality!
Sonntag, 19. August 2012
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012
Discussion about updating old moths with new foils etc. to be competitive
What do you think?
- Is a Bladerider with Ninja Foils competitive? Or does it make sense to change to m2 foils?
- Or how does it look like if you update your fastacraft prowler with new (prowler or others) foils?
- Who knows how much new mast; sails or wand systems will change?
These are all questions for owners of old boats! And there are enough out there! When do you think the investment will be good, and when do you throw money out of the window?
I have bought a Assassin, and it costs me much blood to keep her going OK. But right now I have a big advantage. I know how to handle her, I know which parts could break or I already know that all parts who could brake should be broken till now. The investment is still high, but how are the alternatives? How is the result of updating these boats?
For me clear (now :-)), decision done! My Assassin will get new foils from Mike Cooke, New Wand from Phillippe Oligario and some updates by myself. I will tell you how it will feel and
perhaps I will see one from you at the worlds at Garda.
I would be happy, to get some of your thinking’s and some feedback!
Thanks and a nice season for all!
- Is a Bladerider with Ninja Foils competitive? Or does it make sense to change to m2 foils?
- Or how does it look like if you update your fastacraft prowler with new (prowler or others) foils?
- Who knows how much new mast; sails or wand systems will change?
These are all questions for owners of old boats! And there are enough out there! When do you think the investment will be good, and when do you throw money out of the window?
I have bought a Assassin, and it costs me much blood to keep her going OK. But right now I have a big advantage. I know how to handle her, I know which parts could break or I already know that all parts who could brake should be broken till now. The investment is still high, but how are the alternatives? How is the result of updating these boats?
For me clear (now :-)), decision done! My Assassin will get new foils from Mike Cooke, New Wand from Phillippe Oligario and some updates by myself. I will tell you how it will feel and
perhaps I will see one from you at the worlds at Garda.
I would be happy, to get some of your thinking’s and some feedback!
Thanks and a nice season for all!
Freitag, 17. Februar 2012
Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011
Wonderful Sailing day!
had a wonderful sailing day this monday, nice winds, sun and boat went fast as never before! Had 23.8 knots at top speed and 22.5 at 10sec. average! Now time for learning the foiling tack! Hope to see more moths on our lake soon!
All the best!
All the best!
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Mittwoch, 27. April 2011
erster Österreichischer Moth Cup - Hauptpreis eine Motte 100% Carbon

gültige Regatten:
* 7-8 Mai High Speed Weekend (Multihull und Moth Cup 1)
* 14 Mai Ansegeln
* 21 Mai Multihull Cup 2
* 4 Juni Multihull Cup 3
* 2 (3) Juli Goldenes Band
* 16 Juli Multihull Cup 4
* 13-14 August Preis von Weiden
* 20 August Multihull Cup 5
* 17 September Absegeln
* 24 September Multihull Cup Finale
(Multihull Cup ist für Einrumpfboote gesperrt - aber für Motten offen!!!!)
Wer noch weitere Regatten von anderen Clubs hinzufügen möchte, kann dies gerne tun - ich werde gerne jede Regatte (am See) wo wir willkommen sind ergänzen!
Regeln: Pro Regatta wo eine oder mehrere Motten teilnehmen werden Punkte gesammelt. Die maximale Punktezahl ergiebt sich an der Anzahl der Teilnehmer (nur die Motten). Der erste Platz erhällt die Punte der Teilnehmerzahl (also z.B. bei drei Teilnehmern 3 Punkte), der zweite noch zwei und der Dritte erhällt auch noch einen Punkt. Alle Punkte werden dann bis zum großen Finale zusammengezählt und der Gewinner erhällt beim Multicup Finale den Pokal plus eine Überraschung! Der Pokal darf dann stolz bis zum finale des nächsten Jahres behalten werden. Und wird dann den nächsten Gewinner überreicht. Nach dreimaligem Gewinn gehört dieser wunderschöne Pokal euch (oder mir :-)) und ich werde einen neuen basteln!
Eine schöne und erfolgreiche Segelsaison wünscht euch
euer Präsident
PS: nur für Mitglieder der Österreichischen Moth Class Assositation!
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Über mich
- Nikolaus Liebscher
- Wien, Österreich, Austria
- Assassin Reseller 0699 17080924